The child (Madeleine McCain) was lost on the evening of Thursday, May 3, 2007, who was on vacation with her parents and her twin sister in the Algarve area in Portugal, and days before her fourth birthday, the British girl disappeared from the Praia da Resort Luz and the parents reported that the child was left unattended in the bedroom on the ground floor while the parents were eating in a restaurant 120 meters away. The initial investigation was undertaken by the GNR, who believed that Madeleine had been kidnapped. Three months later, a team of 10 Portuguese and British police officers, including two experts, made the announcement. That the child Madeleine may have been killed in her bedroom, after traces of blood were found in the room by dogs and ultraviolet rays, and suspicions began that her mother was behind the crime.

During the investigation, there were many allegations of seeing Madeleine in Portugal, in addition to the fact that in September 2007 two different people claimed to have seen the child in Marrakech, Morocco, a few days after her disappearance in May, where a special investigation team was formed consisting of intelligence officers and former security men. As Madeleine's parents visited Morocco in June, and this culminated in publishing a picture taken of a child resemblance to Madeleine near Tangier and after analyzing the image It was discovered that it belonged to a Moroccan girl named Bouchra Benaissa.
Although several years have passed since her disappearance, the Portuguese authorities confirmed that they did not find any new information that would enable them to re-open an investigation in the case. In 2011, the girl's parents launched a book on the fourth anniversary of her disappearance, and some wealthy and businessmen announced an award Its value is 10 million dollars for whoever reveals its fate.
In July 2013, Scotland Yard launched a special investigation into her disappearance, after finding new evidence in the case. Police have identified 38 suspects from 5 countries, 12 of whom are in England.
While the story of the disappearance of the famous British girl, Madeleine-McCann # 13 years ago, returned to the fore again, after a 43-year-old addicted to "molesting" children was arrested, and it turned out that he was the oldest suspect so far of her kidnapping, or at least responsible. about her disappearance.
What is new today is that the aforementioned suspect refuses to talk about the matter, according to what one of his lawyers told NTV

Christian B. does not give any information yet about this case and we ask for your understanding that we won't either," Friedrich Fulcher told the German news station.
It is noteworthy that the German police announced, last Wednesday, that they are investigating a new suspect named Christian B. He is currently imprisoned in Kiel in northern Germany for drug trafficking. She suspects he killed Madeleine McCann, who was three years old at the time.
The suspect, who had a history of child abuse, was placed in a solitary cell for safety reasons, according to local Minister of Justice Klaus Christian Clausen.
The suspect could not leave his cell unless he was accompanied by guards and at different times from other prisoners to avoid being subjected to assaults, as he explained to a committee in the local parliament.
Two lawyers assigned to defend the suspect abandoned the mission without any explanation. They were replaced by two other lawyers.
However, the team did not find any evidence to prove whether the disappeared "Madeleine McCann" was alive or not, although it has investigated and checked more than 40,000 documents, and has investigated 600 suspects so far, but to no avail. Until new clues appeared on the horizon, the police in Germany and Britain did not release full details yet, but they leaked some doses

Informatics, and alluded to some leads and data, most of which are related to the detainee in Germany, whose name is unknown until today as well.
+ In addition, German investigators, including Christian Hoppe, the chief inspector at the German Federal Crime Agency, believe that their detainee sneaked into the room where the child was, and spontaneously carried her off the bed she was sleeping on, and mentioned in what he told the newspaper The British "Times" stated that the detainee appeared for the first time in 2013 on the radar of the German police, but he was not a suspect (in the case of the missing woman) amid the lack of sufficient evidence to conduct an investigation, until the police received separate "important" information after a German television program that was shown in 2017 on the occasion of 10 years since the kidnapping, but Hope did not disclose that information that might lead to discovering the place where the 17-year-old is now being held, or knowing what happened to her completely.
I am Madeline McCain, but do I need someone to help me?
The young Polish woman asked, via social media, to help her contact the parents of the child, and she said, "I think I can be their daughter, and all I need is a DNA test.
The young Polish woman, Julia Faustina, claimed that she had two evidence confirming that she is the British child "Madeleine McCann" who disappeared in the evening May 3, 2007 from her bed when she was 3 years old, as she was spending a holiday with her parents and her twin sisters in the Algarve region, known as a coastal tourist resort in southern Portugal, and until now no trace of her appears.And the 21-year-old tried - while Maddie, who was born in May 2003, will only be 19 years old - to prove her identity with pictures she showed in a video she posted on the Internet to convince her 171,000 followers that she was the missing "Madeleine McCann", and the most important two pictures: one For a freckle on her leg similar to the one on Madeleine's missing leg, and another for a specific mark, just like the one in the child's eye, and to confirm her statements, she asked for help with a DNA test.And the young Polish woman asked, through the communication sites, for her help in contacting the parents of the child, and she said, “I think I can.”

To be their daughter, and all I need is a DNA test.” She added that she “sought the authorities for help, but they ignored her, so she resorted to the Internet to reveal her identity and tell her story, admitting that there was an error in her current recorded age, which is 21 years instead of the real 19.”
